Are you wondering why View Hierarchy button is not visible? if yes then this post will help you. Recently while checking latest threads on Dynamics 365 CE forum, I found one question regarding this. I am was also not aware of such announcement so I thought of checking it myself. I know it was visible by default in account so tried to create some demo accounts and I also found this option is not visible on the the commandbar.
First thought came into my mind to check command bar debug option to see if this button present there or not and here is what I found

Seems this button was hidden due to some custom scripting enabled rule, so I verified all the setting related to this to confirm in case there is not setting introduced but all settings was already configured.
Next I though to check if there is any announcement I missed and I found this:
“Hierarchy control in model-driven apps is deprecated”
But at present we can enable this feature by navigating to and under app Settings look for the following feature

After enabling this setting I was able to see view Hierarchy button

View hierarchy feature is deprecated . At present we can enable it but in future release it will be removed completely.
Hope it will help someone !!
Keep learning and Keep Sharing !!