Get Currency symbol based on currency ID

Today I saw one post in MS CRM development forum, where user needs to get currency symbol based on currency id, so thought to write this post to help. you can use below code to get currency symbol based on currency id function GetCurrencySymbol() { if(Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“transactioncurrencyid”).getValue()!=null) {     var CurrencyID = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“transactioncurrencyid”).getValue()[0].id;     var context = Xrm.Page.context;     var serverUrl… Read more »

Show MS CRM Optionset values in Dropdownlist in

Sometime customers have requirement to create MS CRM records through custom pages, and if we have optionset in our entity we might want to display optionset valeus in dropdownlist in our Web page. We can use following code to populate optionset values in dropdownlist. public Dictionary<int, string> RetrieveOptionsetMetadata(IOrganizationService _iOgranizationService) { //Dictionary to store value and text Dictionary<int,string> _DropdownDatasource=newDictionary<int,string>(); //Create request to fetch… Read more »

Adding Attach File button on Custom Activity Type Entity

MS CRM 2011 introduced a new feature to create custom activity type entity. While creating custom activity type entity, even if we will enable Notes (include attachments), we won’t get Attach File button just like we used to get in any custom entity where Notes is enabled. So what if you want to get that button?? you just need to… Read more »

Get Parent Customer ID based on contact id

Requirement: Sometime we have requirement to get contact’s parent customer id. Solution: We can use REST retrieve method where we can pass record ID and get details from entiy function ParentCustomerID(ContactId) { var context = Xrm.Page.context; var serverUrl = context.getServerUrl(); //Update: in MS CRM 2013 or 2015 you need to use getClientUrl() instead of getServerUrl() var ODataPath = serverUrl +… Read more »

Are you interested in your connection list ??

If you are a sales person and using MS CRM 2011, I am sure you will be interested in your connection lists, so that you can easily associated/disassociate yourself with MS CRM records like account contact.  So how can you see your connection through OOB way, you need to follow below steps: Navigation Setting->Administration->Users->select your record and open it. Navigate… Read more »

A managed solution cannot overwrite the SavedQuery component with Id=xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx.. Error

Are you getting below error when trying to import managed solution exported from your dev environment where Activity feed is configured. A managed solution cannot overwrite the SavedQuery component with Id=xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx  which has an unmanaged base instance.The most likely scenario for this error is that an unmanaged solution has installed a new unmanaged SavedQuery component on the target system, and… Read more »

MS CRM 2011 Technical Interview Question Part -1

I have seen many times, where CRM developers asking for common interview question in CRM development forums. I am writing this post to collect some common question on MS CRM technical side that can crm developers community Explain some new features in  MS CRM 2011. What are the different webservice available in MS CRM 2011. Which service can be used… Read more »

Getting Current User Date and Time Format setting using Javascript MS CRM 2011

If you are looking to get current user Date and Time format you can use below code for the same function RetrieveUserSettingRecord() {  var context;  var serverUrl;  var ODataPath; context = Xrm.Page.context; //get context  serverUrl = context.getServerUrl();  ODataPath = serverUrl +“/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc”;  var UserID = Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();  //get current user id from context  var RetrieveUserSetting = new XMLHttpRequest();“GET”, ODataPath + “/UserSettingsSet(guid’” +… Read more »

Show Loading message during function execution in CRM Form

I found one question in CRM Development form where user asked to show some processing message during long function execution, we have done this in many projects, so I thought to write this post so that it can be help CRM developers. if you are doing some processing or calling any webservice which is taking time to execute and you want to… Read more »