7 thoughts on “Accessing Cases of Sub Accounts- Dynamics 365 Portal

  1. Pingback: Accessing Cases of Sub Accounts- Dynamics 365 Portal - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community

  2. Stanley Lai

    Nice work, just wondering, how do you make it work for a contact of that Sub Account as opposed to the Account being the Customer of the case?

    1. Stanley Lai

      Don’t worry managed to work it out. Just followed your idea and added another child entity permission for the Contact under ‘Access to Contact of Sub Account’ .

      I am new to Portals and I must I have a hard time finding decent examples with the current documentation from Microsoft. But this site helped me so thank you so much !

  3. Mani

    We tried exactly same for Custom entity (in place of Case) but it didnt work. we followed the exact steps mentioned by you. but no luck. Can u let us know if its working for you?

    1. HIMBAP Post author

      It’s working for me, I have implemented this for one of my customer, please make sure you are setting entity permissions and web roles correctly.

  4. Greg

    Thanks for your article – very helpful. I can get it all working where the contact can now view all of the cases from the sub-accounts but I get an error when I try and create a new case for one of the sub accounts. The case form allows me to look up any sub-account but when I save it I get the very helpful error “An unknown failure has occurred. Error ID # [….”.

    Any ideas what is causing this?


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