Category Archives: Power BI

Embed a Power BI Report as a System Dashboard in Dynamics 365 CE Using Environment Variables

Introduction In today’s data-driven world, integrating powerful analytics tools like Power BI with your Dynamics 365 CE can significantly enhance decision-making processes. Embedding Power BI reports directly into Dynamics 365 CE as system dashboards provides seamless access to actionable insights without leaving the CE interface. This article will guide you through embedding a Power BI report as a system dashboard… Read more »

Leveraging Power BI Parameters for Efficient Data Source Configuration

Introduction In a recent project involving Power BI, our focus was on establishing connections to an on-premise Business Central instance. To access the business sandbox, customer opened sandbox service port for us. Additionally, for production purposes, we configured a Data Gateway within the Power BI service. However, upon completion of development, we encountered an issue during the deployment of the… Read more »