Category Archives: Share Point

Getting Share Point Document URL in Dynamics 365 CE

Introduction Sometime we required to get full path of the image which we have uploaded to Share Point document for specific entity. In this article I am going to demonstrate how Microsoft Flow can be used to implement this requirement. Feel free to comment if there is another easy of doing this. This article is assuming you have basic understanding… Read more »

Creating Document Location Record using Flow

Introduction When we create entity record manually and upload document to that entity under Document grid, Dynamics 365 CE creates Document Location record and setup folder in Share Point for that entity, but if we are creating entity record using other option and want to attached document to entity, first we need to create Document Location record and Share Point… Read more »

Updating Sharepoint List from CRM Plugin

I got requirement to integrate CRM with sharepoint, where I need to update sharepoint list fields from crm opportunity fields. In order to send opportunity information to sharepoint I wrote a plugin and used sharepoint Lists.asmx and sitedata.asmx webservice to update sharepoint list. I use below code to update sharepoint list //create list object SharepointWS.Lists OpportunityList = new SharepointWS.Lists(); OpportunityList.Credentials… Read more »