Category Archives: Power Platform

Embed a Power BI Report as a System Dashboard in Dynamics 365 CE Using Environment Variables

Introduction In today’s data-driven world, integrating powerful analytics tools like Power BI with your Dynamics 365 CE can significantly enhance decision-making processes. Embedding Power BI reports directly into Dynamics 365 CE as system dashboards provides seamless access to actionable insights without leaving the CE interface. This article will guide you through embedding a Power BI report as a system dashboard… Read more »

Leveraging SendEmailFromTemplate to Send Emails to Unresolved Addresses

Introduction While working on Dynamics 365 CE we often need to streamline communication processes using Power Automate. While we want to send emails to our customer, one effective way to do this is by using email templates. Email templates streamline the communication process by providing users with a standardized framework for creating emails, ensuring brand consistency and saving time. These… Read more »

Leveraging Power BI Parameters for Efficient Data Source Configuration

Introduction In a recent project involving Power BI, our focus was on establishing connections to an on-premise Business Central instance. To access the business sandbox, customer opened sandbox service port for us. Additionally, for production purposes, we configured a Data Gateway within the Power BI service. However, upon completion of development, we encountered an issue during the deployment of the… Read more »

Embedded Canvas app Security- Quick Tip

Problem Embedded Canvas app not loading Details Recently some of the user reported that they are not able to use Canvas app which is embedded on the sitemap. While using embedded canvas we need to consider following User have all the required permission on the used entities Depending on what your app is doing we need to provide all the… Read more »

Filtering Gallery using Radio Button

Requirement Implementing Gallery data filtering using radio button. Details let’s say we have requirement to filter gallery data based on the selection of the radio button like below To implement filter, I am using collection here and Dataverse Account entity as data source where I have records of different types (using Relationship Type attribute for customer category) so first let’s… Read more »

Fixing “This app isn’t opening correctly” error

Problem Getting Error while opening Canvas app embedded in model driven form. Solution Recently we faced following error while trying to open canvas app. Earlier this app was working fine and this error occurred after new changes deployed to this environment. Based on the error message, I started troubleshooting it and checked ID of the user and verified if this… Read more »

Easy Fix for -“It is of type ‘Null’ but is expected to be a value…”- Power Automate

Problem While working with Switch control in Power Automate, if the field used in the switch control is blank we will get this error:- “It is of type ‘Null’ but is expected to be a value of type ‘String, Integer” I am going to share one possible way of handling which I used, if you have a better way please… Read more »

Creating Appointment for customers using Canvas App

Requirement Create appointments for customers using Canvas app and display existing appointments in gallery control. Details We are going to create a sample canvas app where we will have two screen in first screen we will be displaying existing appointments and we will use second screen to create new appointment so let see how we can do that. You need… Read more »

Dynamics 365 CE Date Conversion in Power Automate

Problem Recently while working on Power Automate to send notification if custom activity record is completed before 15 day but still invoicing is not done yet, I was facing time zone issue while comparing date. I will provide details how I sold this issue. Solution Initially I started creating my flow where I used Recurrence and fetched my entity records… Read more »

Update entity from Canvas App using Patch

Introduction In earlier article we discussed about how updating entity from canvas app using Power Automate. This process is works fine if you don’t want to update current entity because executing Flow will take some time and you won’t be able to see the changes quickly so in this post we are going to discuss other option to update entity… Read more »