Configure Model Driven App Visibility

This article is about configuring security of model driven app, you can refer details section to make your custom app visible to other users.

When a new model driven app is created only System Administrator and System Customizer have access to the app. In order to provide access to new app to other users we need to make sure to configure following two steps.

Provide Read Access to Model Driven App
We need to make sure of the user security role have read access to Model-driven app. Open security where you want to provide access and navigate to Customization tab and set Read permission like following


Make App visible to Security Role
Second thing we need to do is to configure our app to make it visible to the security role where we configured Read permissions. We can do that using following steps:
1. Navigate to Settings -> Application -> Apps

Note: If you are not able to see above navigation area, you can follow steps from this KB to make it available.

2. Select your app and select Manage Roles
3. Finally select all the roles which should have access to this app and click on Save.


Now user should be able to access your new app without any issue.

Hope it will help someone!
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