Hide MS CRM 4.0 Grid Button

I am regular visitor of ms CRM forums, I found this question many times, to hide MS CRM gird button. Which cannot be implemented through supported customization. We can implement this through unsupported customization. For example we want to hide assign button on opportunity grid toolbar. So we can do this by writing script to hide this button on Homepage.aspx… Read more »

Retrieve Account Related Activity

Sometime we need to get all activities related to specific account or contact. We can easily do this by Querying activitypointer entity based on regardingobjectID. you can use below function to get all activity related to account. You just need to pass Crm service object and Accountid to this function Public BusinessEntityCollection FetchActivityList(CrmService _Service,Guid AccountID) {        QueryExpression _Query =… Read more »

Code Generator Utility in New MS CRM SDK

Today I watched a great video in channel9, which details the new advanced Developer Extension features in new SDK released. The new SDK includes a code generator utility using which we don’t need to write number of lines of codes. You just need to run this utility and passing some parameters for example Authentication Type, server etc. This utility will… Read more »

Show Associated View in IFrame MS CRM 4.0

Some time we need to show associated view (1:N or N:N) in Iframe. I found a good article in https://community.dynamics.com/blogs/crmjimwang/comments/28067.aspx written by Jim Wang. After doing some little changes it worked like a charm for me. You can use this code for any associated view (1:N or N:N). You just need to get Left navigation item name that you can… Read more »

Filtered Lookup in MS CRM 4.0

MS CRM 4.0 does not provide filtered lookup facility, but we have some couple of options that we can use to implement filtered lookup in ms crm 4.0 like Change lookupsingle.aspx page                  http://crm.georged.id.au/post/2008/02/16/Filtering-lookup-data-in-CRM-4.aspx       2. Buy stunware filtered lookup tool              http://www.stunnware.com/default.aspx?area=products&group=fld4&subarea=fld4-download        3. Using JS Code                  http://advantageworks.blogspot.com/2008/02/pseudo-filtered-lookup-dialog-in.html         4. Writing plugin.                  http://mscrmfilteredlookup.codeplex.com/ You can choose option that suite… Read more »

Tooltip In CRM 4.0

As in my previous http://mahenderpal.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/tooltip-for-ms-crm-fields/ Post I have discussed how to set Tooltip for CRM Fields, I want to extend this post. Tooltip For Left Navigation Items sometimes we need to set custom tooltip for left navigation items, so we can use the same title attribute to set but for left navigation link you have to set title for child element… Read more »

Make left navigation link as default link in a record

I found a question here to set left navigation link as default for ms crm record, while opening ms crm form. http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/crmdevelopment/thread/9dd557d3-3828-441b-a6dc-e6c481fdb8c9 We can easily do this through JS, we just need to get ID of particular left navigation item which we can get IE Dev toolbar or Developer Tools Paste this code on form onload event var NavItem=document.getElementById(“Paste LeftNavigation… Read more »

Rearrange Navigation Items in Left Navigation Bar

Some time we need to rearrange left navigation item of left navigation bar, we can do this easily using JS “insertBefore()” function. Just we need to get element id of the left navigation items. We can use IE dev toolbar to do this; also if you are using IE 8 then IE dev toolbar will not work, as Microsoft has… Read more »

Calculate Number of Days between two Dates in MS CRM

Some time we need to calculate number of days between two dates in crm, we can easily do this using below JS script var d1=crmForm.all.FirstDate.DataValue; var d2=crmForm.all.SecondDate.DataValue; var DayValue=1000*60*60*24; alert(Math.ceil((d2.getTime()-d1.getTime())/DayValue)); Update for Dynamics 365 var d1=Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“FirstDate”).getValue(); var d2=Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“SecondDate”).getValue(); var DayValue=1000*60*60*24; alert(Math.ceil((d2.getTime()-d1.getTime())/DayValue));