Getting Parent Entity Information from child

In MS CRM 4.0 we used to get parent entity information using window.opener which is not there in CRM 2011 now. In CRM 2011 you can use below code so using this statement you can get parent entity information and can fetch parent entity data, but sometime we also need to check parent entity name, let’s take an example… Read more »

MS CRM 2011 Virtual Machine

If you are a Microsoft partner you can download MS CRM 2011 Virtual Machine from{060C9677-229D-49E1-9F00-95E56D9F1657}&NRORIGINALURL=/partnersource/deployment/methodology/vpc/MSD_CRM2011VirtualMachine&NRCACHEHINT=Guest&w&wa=wsignin1.0 Enjoy !!

‘Sys’ is undefined error while using Ajax 4.0 and Visual studio 2010

We used Ajax in one of our ISV application and when we deployed it in Production server, we started facing this issue, after doing a search in google, I found I need to do changes in my webconfig file to make ajax enabled, as we used vs 2010, so these entries were not there in our webconfig file. So we… Read more »

Get Current User ID and Name in Javascript MS CRM 2011

If you want to get current user id in crm 2011 form you can use Xrm.Page.context, you have to use getUserId() method for this you can use it like below Xrm.Page.context.getUserId() But if you want to get current user name then you can use below function to retrieve it function Getinfo() { var context; var serverUrl; var UserID; var ODataPath;… Read more »

Removing Unwanted Custom ISV buttons from CRM 2011

During upgrade process from CRM 4.0 to CRM 2011, I found default ISV custom buttons in account form (I did not remove it ms crm 4.0). Removing then in CRM 2011 is much easier then CRM 4.0. Just open account entity form, select “Navigation”, it will highlight navigation area in entity form like below screen Select navigation link that you… Read more »

Order is edited by multiple users Error

In my current project we have integrated order with our financial system and also we are using third party tool to generate order line items. After some time in production we started getting issue “Order is edited by multiple users” , and we were getting this issue only some times. After doing lot’s of testing what I found my order… Read more »

Some CRM 2011 JavaScript

//Hide Section in Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(“Name of the tab”).sections.get(“Name of the section”).setVisible(true); Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(“Name of the tab”).sections.get(“Name of the section”).setVisible(False); //Force Submit method has changed to Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“Field Name”).setSubmitMode(“always”); //Get Selected Picklist value var _Value = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“Name of Picklist”).getSelectedOption().text; //Get Entity Attributes based on ID var context; var serverUrl; var ODataPath; function Getinfo() {     context = Xrm.Page.context;     serverUrl = context.getServerUrl();     ODataPath… Read more »

Send All notes in Email through Workflow with Record link

As we all know in CRM notes are stored in annotation entity, like records. For example if you have added 3 notes in account there will be three different record in annotation entity related to that account. In my current project we got requirement to send Notification when a new notes is added to Opportunity. This can be easily achieved… Read more »