Category Archives: Dynamics 365

Hide Subgrid button based on BPF Field

Requirement As we know in Dynamics 365 CE, Business Process Flows (BPF) play a pivotal role in guiding users through predefined stages of business processes. These stages can vary from depending on the customer requirement for example we may have requirement to complete specific stage or specific data field before creating Quote and let’s say because of this requirement we… Read more »

Connecting Azure Functions with PostgreSQL

Introduction: In the world of cloud computing, Azure Functions have become a popular choice for developing serverless applications. These lightweight, event-driven functions offer scalability and cost-efficiency, making them an ideal solution for various use cases. Recently we got one such requirement where we need to read PostgreSQL database view and need to update data in Dynamics 365. We used Azure… Read more »

Check Parent Entity Name From Child entity form D365 CE

Requirement Add validation on child entity form based on parent entity. Details Sometimes we want to check name of the parent entity in the child entity quick create form for validation. We can use JavaScript for this validation. For the demo let’s say when someone will try to create contact record from subgrid under Account we want to display a… Read more »

Fetching incremental data from Navision for D365 CE

Requirement Let’s say we want to fetch incremental data from BC for CRM using Kingswaysoft. Details While working with CRM and BC integration using Kingswaysoft, let’s say we want to get incremental data from Navision, for example records modified in last 2 minutes or so. In that case we need to have a datetime field in the NAV table which… Read more »

Overcome MultiCurrencyPlugin Issue D365

Problem The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. Details We have some custom workflow process which generates sales order which create sales order from customer asset. We suddenly started getting issue in sales order creation. When I started troubleshooting I found this error is generated by MultiCurrencyPlugin While troubleshooting I checked all the… Read more »

Enable Dynamics 365 2023 release wave 1

Recently Microsoft released plan for 2023 release wave 1, you can refer details for the release plan from This plan help you to know what are the new features planed during this wave release. Today we can enable early access to 2023 wave 1 to our demo environment (not recommended for the production). If you are not aware how… Read more »

Syncing product from Quotes to Opportunity

Requirement Quote product should be synched to opportunity when quote is activated. Implementations In traditional sales life cycle we create quote from opportunity which inherit all the opportunity data as well as products from opportunity. but sometimes while working on the quote negotiations with the customer some information can be updated on the quote products or may new product is… Read more »

Embedded Canvas app Security- Quick Tip

Problem Embedded Canvas app not loading Details Recently some of the user reported that they are not able to use Canvas app which is embedded on the sitemap. While using embedded canvas we need to consider following User have all the required permission on the used entities Depending on what your app is doing we need to provide all the… Read more »

Filtering Gallery using Radio Button

Requirement Implementing Gallery data filtering using radio button. Details let’s say we have requirement to filter gallery data based on the selection of the radio button like below To implement filter, I am using collection here and Dataverse Account entity as data source where I have records of different types (using Relationship Type attribute for customer category) so first let’s… Read more »

Show ‘Create Document’ on Active Quotes only using Power Fx

Requirement Only show ‘Create Document’ button for Active Quotes. Details While working on the Dynamics 365 Sales implementation we mostly get these type of requirement where we want to show/hide button based on the entity status. We can use Ribbon Workbench and apply value rule to our button to hide and show it but here case is different as this… Read more »